Nov 16, 2012

Oystercatchergirl revisits Ontario's Bruce Peninsula

Yellow Lady's Slipper #1
36" x 48"

This series of five artworks so far, was painted in honour of my father, Robert V. Hansen (1922-2012).  Bob knew no oystercatchers, but took us on countless trips to the Bruce Peninsula, where we happily absorbed his love of nature, hiking, birds, and plants.  Thanks to Bob and Helen for those great family excursions!

Yellow Lady's Slippers #2

Yellow Lady's Slippers #2
20" x 16"

Yellow Lady's Slippers #3

Yellow Lady's Slippers #3
16" x 20"

Yellow Lady's Slipper #4

Yellow Lady's Slipper #4
20" x 16"

Yellow Lady's Slipper #5

Yellow Lady's Slipper #5
16" x 20"